Friday, June 14, 2013

Recent Eats

I know, that wasn't that much of sabbatical. I just cant stay away that long- I like oversharing every monotonous detail of my life with y'all. You're so kind to humor me.

So yeah, I made a few changes to the blog. There's still a lot more that I want to do, but I think this is a good start. Please do feel free to offer suggestions, I'm all ears. Not really. That would be weird if my whole person was covered in ears. Okay, I'm tired.

Down the the REAL post:
I really like food. I like to eat it, I like to cook it, I like to eat it, I like reading about it, and oh yea- I like to eat it. Here's a few snippets of some particularly yummy things that were concocted in my kitchen this week.

Watermelon with Fresh Mint and Lime

Whenever my mom and I are in the same room good food must be consumed. It's sort of an unspoken rule. We're both total foodies. The other day when Mom and my sister came over I made this very yummy and very simple dish. It's from Relaxed Cooking by Curtis Stone. Ever seen The Take Home Chef?(wow that was like link-overload, sorry). It's so much fun, check Netflix. Anyways basically all it is, is fresh watermelon with a lime simple syrup infused with the mint, all drizzled on top. The combination of the lime and the mint give the watermelon extra freshness. It was really refreshing and super easy to make. I'm confident this will become a Summertime staple.

Cheesy Alfredo with Broccoli and Mushrooms

Pasta+ creamy, cheesy goodness+ mushrooms. Need I say more? I whipped this up for dinner the other night and we all gorged ourselves on it. Sooooo gooooood.

Black Bean and Guac Burritos

This recipe had been collecting dust on my Pinterest board for a while but last night I finally made it and ohmygoodnessgracious I don't know why I didn't make them sooner. They are very good. The avocados I picked up weren't quite ripe enough, so I just chopped them up and mixed them with salsa. Word to the wise: under ripe avocado is nasty. If you can't get soft (ripe) avocados just do without. We ended up picking those suckers out, but otherwise it was all really really good.

This was a good week, culinary-wise. Most nights I have to pull dinner together quickly because I usually don't get started until after Derek gets home and he can entertain Toby. I'm not going to bank on this week's good fortune being a permanent thing, but my tummy and taste buds are happy so I won't complain either. Besides, Toby is a cute "sous chef".

Happy weekend everybody!

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