Anywhoo eventually we got ourselves going. Derek was trying to get ready for work (I say "trying" because on particularly tough mornings he lingers to make sure that it's safe to leave Toby in the care of a thing that replaced his wife with crazy hair, a scowling face and snarls) and went into our room to get dressed. Toby has recently developed the talent of opening and closing doors and going into our room is like his version of Disneyland. Tobes ran after Derek and I ran after Tobes. I went into the room to tell Derek something but I also turned the lock on the handle intending to make sure the door was locked after Toby and I exited. Well somehow Derek and I left the room and Toby of course closed the door, locking himself inside our room. As soon as he did I realized what had happened and wasn't really sure what to do. Derek started freaking out and was walking around the house in his boxers huffing and puffing because I don't know why, I guess that's just his coping mechanism. The handles on our doors have little holes where you can use a little "key" to unlock the doors but of course the previous owners must have taken them with them because they had a foreshadowing that I would need something interesting to blog about. Bless you people.
So I found a paper clip and tried to channel my inner MacGyver but that was stupid because the clip got stuck. I called my mom and asked if she could bring down one of the little "keys" (the have the same type of handles on their doors) and she said she would. I kept calling out for Toby to make sure he wasn't freaking out (he wasn't) and because my mommy brain was convinced that he would find my nail polish and miraculously develop the skill to open the bottle and drink the contents (he didn't). Toby seemed fine, he was talking to himself and wiggling on the door handle and fussed a few times because the door wouldn't open. I think I asked him to "unlock the door for mommy" because we all know that 14month olds know how to do that. Derek found a really skinny screw driver and I got to work trying to use it. I told Derek to go outside to the windows for our room to check on Toby. Not too long after I heard Derek open one of the windows that apparently wasn't locked (yes, please come in burglars, and steal our stuff while we sleep). Derek unlocked the door, Toby was fine and yes I did make a trip to Home Depot to buy baby proof locks for the door.
So, yeah that was our excitement for the day. How was your weekend?
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