Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mommy's Home, Let's Act Crazy

Over the weekend I got to have some much needed time off. My mom and sister and I spent a couple nights at a lovely hotel here in town and we had all kinds of fun. I forgot my camera, but I did snap a few pics to share on Instagram.

Margaritas on the terrace.

We picked up dinner and this is what my fortune cookie said. I totally agree.

The next day we went to the movies and saw "Monsters University" (super fun movie, I highly recommend it). We went back to the hotel and went to check out the pool.

I didn't do much swimming; I ended up falling asleep for a bit.

We spent the rest of the night playing games, going out for gelato, and then coming back to watch some TV in bed. It was so great to hang out with my mom and my little sis, and just have some down time. Thanks Mom and Dani!

Since coming home it's like all the male-folk under the age of 2 have been in maniac mode. Toby is teething yet again ( I cannot stress how much I dislike teething and cannot wait for it to be over please and thank you) so he has been a Mr. Cling extraordinaire. Not only that but he's been getting into EVERYTHING. His latest fave- the couch. Any chance he gets he climbs up and crawls or walks around it like he's walking on a cloud or something. The problem is he doesn't realize there are edges to the couch. On Monday he fell off the couch twice, the second plummet resulting in a bloody nose and a hysteric mom who may or may not have downed a large mojito after putting the leaper to bed.

Oh and Watson the Cat is a punk. We got him fixed last week and I had hoped that the procedure would also fix his brain but it didn't and I'm sad about it. He runs around the house like a freakazoid and his definition of playing is something similar to Fight Club. I have been known on more than one occasion to lock him in solitary confinement the laundry room. Anyone have any kitty training tips?

So it's been a rough couple of days getting back into the swing of things but I'll have to dig deep into somewhere and find a little bit of will because Derek is going out of town this weekend for work. If you stop by my house this weekend there's a good chance that this song will be blaring loudly.

Aaaaaand the only child is crying at the door of the bathroom because how dare Derek be in there without him? Off I go. Happy Wednesday everyone!

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