Basically the goal of the "project" is to make some majorly necessary changes to life to make things easier. There will be lots of organizing, lots of downsizing, possibly a couple trips to Ikea, and lots of chocolate to soothe any feelings of frazzledness. Frazzledness is a word. For reals.
Getting organized is going to be the first step because it's hard for me to feel like I can do anything else when the house is kind of chaotic. I started by going through every room and making a list of everything that needs to be organized or changed.
I figure what I'll do is each week pick a room and try to complete at least one project. One project a week. Seems doable, right? Today I tackled a project in the guest/art room- putting up blinds. It was the only room in the house that didn't have blinds up since we moved in eight months ago. For whatever reason I just kept letting myself get busy with other things and ignored that project. It feels so good to have accomplished something besides the dishes today.
The other part of the project is to make some changes for myself. Being a new mom has kind of changed the way I see myself and it's not always for the better. It's been bumming me out so it's time for a change. It might be uncomfortable at times, but it's got to be done.
I know it's going to be a challenge trying to accomplish all of this while taking care of Toby...
... but that's okay. I'm up for the challenge.
I'm really excited about this "project". My Pinterest boards will be getting a good workout.
So that's what's new around here. Do you have any new goals that you've set? Any tips for home organizing? Do tell!
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