Friday, January 29, 2016

Hello From the Other Side

AAaaand now you're going to have that song playing in your head all day. 

You're welcome. 

It's been a while. Things have been a little challenging in the department of adjusting to life with two kids to care for (cue laughter of moms of more than two everywhere). Not helping my quest for balanced womanhood is my sweet baby who does not sleep through the night at. all. Thus rendering me a zombie on the daily.

I finally hit that point in sleep deprivation where I've accepted the state of my life and the fact that I'll never sleep again; it's the sweet place of feeling like I'm always on Vicodin and everything is funny. 

But don't worry. I only operate motor vehicles when absolutely necessary. 

One of my goals this year is to be more focused and intentional about setting aside time for the things I want to do- like blogging. Believe it or not I really do hope to grow this little 'ol blog into something sustainable. 

So maybe if you think about it, y'all could send me a little love/encouragement or motivational memes or blog post ideas or chocolate or wine or maid service or all of the aforementioned to help me on my quest? *insert deranged smile here* 

Too much? Sorry. It's the sleep deprivation talking.

I'm currently recovering from the plague aka cold (fyi- headcolds and menstruation do NOT mix, but you didn't hear that from me...) so I'll leave you with a few recents snaps of my cute kiddos. 

(he wanted to look like Linus from "A Charlie Brown Christmas")

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