Toby hit the 11 month mark this past Sunday, and with his first birthday right around the corner I've been looking back over the past year. If you're a mom the following statement will probably sound amateurish and stupid but here goes: the first year is completely crazy and all you can do is hold on for dear life. I know there's still a lot more craziness ahead but I'm not there yet and I prefer to live in my little bubble of ignorance. Anywhoo, just for kicks I thought I'd jot down some of the things that helped me to retain a minimal amount of sanity. If they happen to speak meaning into your life as a mom or mom-to-be, awesome.
1. Lowered my standards: All the books say it, but it's true. I had to lower my standards for a lot of things and still do. I used to be able to get up with grand plans for the day and was actually able to complete everything I wanted to do. These days I'm lucky if I complete .5 of the tasks on my list. At first I got really miffed at this, but eventually it just became the norm and now I'm really very surprised if I don't have to reheat my coffee more than twice. Finding that "new norm" takes time.
2. Got used to showering less: Or I've at least accepted that I probably won't bathe while the sun is shining; it's a rare thing indeed that I get to shower during the day, and if I do it's one of those jump- in- let- the- water- touch- your- body- get- out- and- pray- to- God- the- angry- smell- has- been- silenced- for- now kind of shower. I usually take a real shower at night before I go to bed; who doesn't like getting into bed smelling pretty and actually feeling the sheets instead of leg hair?
3. Cable TV and Netflix: Okay, please don't judge me, but I really like to watch tv. While I was recovering from baby ejection I spent of lot of time watching tv (there really is nothing good on during the day, believe me) and watching episodes of "Grey's Anatomy" on Netflix (again, please don't judge me; like I said, there really is nothing good on tv during the day). It also kind of gives us a little bit of a routine; we watch Good Morning America in the morning while we get ourselves going, and I like to watch Live! With Kelly and Michael after that. When the shows are over, the tv goes off. Also, I am totally guilty of enlisting the help of tv-sitter for times when I really need to get something done but can't have a wee one hanging from my limbs. God bless you Baby Einstein.
4. Getting out of the house: It took me a while to get the hang of going out with Toby, but once I did it was like a whole new world of possibilities. In all actuality I try not to be out of the house more than two or three times week for the sake of being able to keep up with housework, but for those days when there is lots of weeping and gnashing of teeth (from me, not Toby) it helps to hop in the car and go walk around Target. We like to take walks too, sometimes more than once a day if necessary.
5. Actually sitting down to eat lunch: No matter what, I try to make sure that when I have lunch I'm sitting and enjoying my food. Breakfast is usually eaten in the midst of feeding Toby and helping Derek get out the door, and dinner is about making sure Toby actually eats food so he won't wake up a million times at night out of hunger, but lunch is sacred. Sometimes that means I have to wait to until Toby goes down for his afternoon nap and that's okay- as long as I can eat a meal uninterrupted I'm good.
6. Savor the special moments: Even if it's at 2in the am and I've already been up three times, I try hard to relish the times that I can hold Toby close because I know it won't last forever. Oh of course there are days that I think are never going to end but those are the days that just bring me closer to God. And chocolate. For those particularly challenging times I have to remind myself to stop and hug Toby.
7. Helping others: Sometimes life is just chaotic and I can't see past the piles of laundry or dishes or whatever seems like a big deal- those are the moments when I need to get out and do something for someone else. It is a challenge with Toby in tow but I figure as he gets older he'll be able to help out too, so I just have to keep up the habit.
I could go on and on with lots of little things but I won't bore you anymore. Basically the gist is to go with the flow as much as possible and find what works for you.
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