Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Congrats to Mom and Dad

Whew! Last week was crazy, but alls well that ends well. My mom and dad renewed their vows and we partied hardy. It was such a beautiful event, and I'm so proud of my parents for doing what they did. These days it's scary how couple just throw in the towel when things get bumpy (although I do understand that there are times when things just won't work out), and it's so encouraging to have my own parents be an incredible example of two people who love each other and are willing to work hard for their relationship. It was particularly special for me; my mom was married once before my dad, hence me. I was a flower girl at their wedding in 1995, and it was a privilege and honor to be able to witness Mom and Dad commit to each other again this past weekend.

It was a crazy maddash to the end to get everything ready. So crazy, in fact that I didn't really get a chance to take pictures. Bummer. Derek, however, got some video footage and clicked a few pics.

Earlier in the day, I took some pics for one of those frames where you sign the frame for the special couple. My parents are just so photogenic.

I was trying to capture some candid smiles, so I told them I had monkeys flying out of my butt. You gotta do what you gotta do, right?

Pretty people.

My mom had an amazing knack for creating beautiful outdoor spaces, so I had to snag a few clicks of the flowers.

They did the ceremony in front of the house, in the gorgeous courtyard my mom has worked so hard to create. Did I mention it's gorgeous?

The lovely bride.

They got married under a chuppah, smashed the glass, and jumped the broom. Way cool.

We had dinner in the backyard. My mom and I cooked everything, and had the help of some wonderful friends serving it for everyone.
Centerpieces. And butter. One can never have too much butter.

Mom and Dad created and signed a Ketubah, which my mom placed on a painting she made. Yeah, she's just that awesome.

And of course we got down and boogied late into the night. It was a blast! #blurry.

I don't think I can stress enough how beautiful everything was. Everyone had a great time and Mom and Dad are excited to have a "new beginning".  Love you guys!

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