Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Tobias

This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but Toby is dealing with some fabulous teething (molars, ick) and thus has been Mr. Clingy. Thanks for being so understanding of my backposting.

Yup, the little dude hit the big 1. I can't believe that a whole year has gone by. I thought I'd share a few snippets of his short little life, because we all know that I have a tendency to overshare but you all are gracious enough to humor me so here we go down memory lane...

Note: some of the pics are from before I knew how to use Derek's fancy camera. I do apologize for the quality.

Fresh out the oven.

 First Father's Day. Aw, bonding time.
The onesie sums it up.

Happy Birthday, Buddy. It's been a crazy awesome year learning to be your mommy. Thanks for being so patient with me. Can't wait to see what other fun adventures we go on as a family. Love you Tobias!

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