If you have't heard of it- in which case I'm not sure we can be friends (kidding)- Pinterest is a fabulous place to waste time perusing oodles of ideas, recipes, fashion trends and just about anything else under the hot sun. Yes I inserted a link for the Tucson weather forecast so you would feel bad for me. But I digress. I have a slight obsession with Pinterest. I'm pretty sure I've spent about a zillion hours on there looking for nothing in particular, but on the upside I've found some great ideas that have been used over and over around these parts. I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite finds.
I love food. I love cooking it. I love photographing it. But mostly I love eating it. My Yummm board has been used so much it's ridiculous. Here's some of my faves:
Easy Crusty Bread. I made this about a million times over the winter. It's super easy and stupid good.
Easy Pizza Crust. I'm noticing an "easy" trend. Love this recipe. It's my go-to for pizza nights. I've even used it for calzones and cinnamon buns.
Tasty Vegetable Curry. This is insanely good. I mean, like really insane.
Lime and Coconut Chicken. Again, insanely good. It's fairly easy too. You can make it a couple of hours ahead of time then toss it on the grill. Add a salad and some rice and you've got yourself an awesome meal.
The DIY board is pretty self-explanitory.
$15 Wine Rack. I plan to make one of theses babies for the dining room.
His+Her Coffee Mugs. I made these for my brother and sister-in-laws this past Christmas. Super cute and easy on the wallet.
Wireless Router Restyle. Love this. I found a couple vintage books at the thrift store for like a 75 cents each. It hides the modem and the router and looks chic.
The Homey Stuff board is all things home related that are supposed to make life easier.
Homemade Stain Remover. This is the best stain remover I've ever used. It removed coffee stains, dirt stains, and baby poop stains like nobodies business.
DIY Dining Table. This is the table that plan on building. I really like how simple it is, and the hairpin legs add a little whimsy.
How to Clean Gas Stove Grates. We had a gas stove at our rental house. I can be a tad OCD when it comes to cleaning the kitchen. This really works. For reals.
I have tons more pins on all these boards and several other boards but I'm feeling generous today and won't bore you with ever single one of them. That and I need more coffee. Right. Now. Feel free to take a gander over at my Pinterest profile. And maybe if you feel so inclined you will follow me and I'll follow you? Like a friends type thing. Just a thought.
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