Toby had a procedure done on his right eye this morning to open up a blocked tear duct that has been a problem since he was born. It's almost constantly been gooey because the duct kept getting infected, but the doctor said it was best to wait until after he was a year old. The whole process was really hard; Toby is generally a very friendly baby, but he doesn't like being poked or handled by strangers. He cried as they were prepping him, and then when they carried him away to the surgery room I almost cried. I'm so glad Derek and my mom were there, otherwise I would have been a hot mess and would have required sedation.
The surgery went well and Toby has bounced back like nothing happened at all.
Sense of humor is still intact.
Aaaandd... Toby is starting to walk!
He'll take like four or five steps and then decide that this whole walking thing is not nearly as fast as his beloved crawling. It's like "Planet of the Apes" when the monkeys are walking and then go into a sprint on all fours.
Toby has also learned how to open the media cabinet that we bought a few months back for the sole purpose of keeping him out. Touche son, touche.
My brilliant and stylish solution to temporarily keep the cabinet on lockdown. Please ignore the dust. Housecleaning has obviously not been at the top of my to-do list.
Derek took the day off to hang with Tobes and I because we were expecting the surgery to be traumatic, but instead it's offered him some time to catch up on some work.
"Why are you bothering me?"
"I'm watching you, watching me".
I got a new nail polish color that I'm in love with.
Mint Sprint.
We made it through CAP week and I got my sacred grocery cash the other day. It's Tuesday so that means it's breakfast for dinner. I was thinking of actually using one of my cookbooks tonight.
My strange addiction with "The Bachelorette" is only being encouraged by the hilarious posts that Ashley Jones writes every week the day after the episode.
The quest to keep the house clean is ongoing, surfing Pinterest waaaay too much, blah blah blah... like I said, not much in the happs.
Anywhoo I think I've wasted enough of ya'lls time. I do apologize. Next time I'll make sure to come right with lots of intrigue, or just stay home. Which isn't that hard for me. Okay, I officially have run out of things to say. Laters!
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