Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Sun'll Come Out...

Don't lie, you know you sang those words and the rest of the lyrics. Don't lie.

I didn't post yesterday because it was kind of a rough day and by the end of it I had a small case of bad attitude. I didn't want to infect anyone.

The day started out pretty standard: Toby was up at the butt crack of dawn, we played, Derek got up, we all had breakfast, Derek left for work, Tobes and I took a walk, the kid went down for a nap, blah blah blah blah. Nothing special. The pest control guy came for the annual maintenance, Toby woke up, and than something must have shifted in the atmosphere. Toby began to get clingy, probably due to the molar that is wreaking havoc in his mouth. I kept offering him new activities and threw snacks at him like crazy, but no luck; he wanted to absorb himself into me because merely being held wasn't enough.

I had been smelling something funky in the house all day, but no amount of Febreeze and candle burning could seem to get rid of it. Then I found it- kitty poo! Ugh. Little Watson had left a nice little present outside of our bedroom. I set about trying to clean up the crap and not add my vomit into the mix. Toby of course saw my task as the best activity to be involved in and kept grabbing bottles from the arsenal of cleaning and deodorizing products I'd pulled out. I don't really know how, but somehow I managed to clean up the mess and not spread the germs to my offspring.

The scene of the crime, post- forensic cleanup.

This cute face ever be the source of fussiness? Nah...

We tried to get ourselves back into a happy place. We had lunch, Toby was still clingy, I was tired, blah blah blah. I realized that Watson the kitty hadn't surfaced for a while, so I fished him out from underneath the couch (his favorite hiding place) and took him over to his water bowl. That old saying "you can lead a horse to water..." should be more like "you can lead a kitten to water, but you can't make him drink, but you can be so uncoordinated at handling a kitten and a toddler that the toddler wins and spills the water everywhere".

And then proceeds to play in said spilled water.

I decided it was time to get out of the house.

Nothing like sugary goodness a la FROYO to lift the spirits.

We walked around a lot too. I mean, a lot. I wanted to make sure that Toby was worn out so he'd take a power nap later.

We also saw this...
... a six inch moth. For reals. I was praying really hard that it wouldn't freak out and fly at my face.

Anywhoo we came home, Toby took an amazing nap and I was got some time to do my hair (hence the attempted turban-look in the pic above) and catch up some important reading.

Toby woke up refreshed and things seemed to be looking up. Derek came home and I started dinner. It's CAP week around here- Carlson Austerity Plan. Also known as there's no more grocery cash so it's time to get reeeeeally creative with the pantry items. We like to have breakfast for dinner at least once a week so last night was the night. I decided to make pancakes and sausage, but in the middle of making the pancakes I realized I was out of baking powder so I ran up to my parents' house to get some. When I got back Derek was flustered and said that Watson the Cat had pooped yet again on the carpet and he had just finished cleaning it up- with bleach. I had a minor panic attack expecting to find a massive discolored spot on the carpet, but thankfully there was no harm done.

Dinner was okay...

Pancake carnage.

The rest of the day was alright after that. Derek's sister suggested that we keep Watson kitty in a confined space for a while with the littler box in the vicinity until he learns where it is. So now he has a swank setup in the laundry room and all seems to be well.

Today was a better day. Toby is a little less clingy and I had a wonderful visit from a dear friend.

So I guess little orphan Annie was on to something after all.


  1. Tomorrow, tomorrow,I love ya (I'm belting here), tomorrow, you're only a day away!

  2. i absolutely loved seeing you and toby today, that was so great! i'm so sorry i had to cut our visit short but i will definitely try and come up again soon so we can watch unicorn city together, because I promise, once is not enough haha! love you :)

  3. We've been doing no-budget, creative eating for about a week and a half now (dang five-friday, mess-up paydays, month). Haven't quiet last-resorted to Top Ramon and Eggs soup yet... but it is on the list of "what's left in the pantry/fridge" and might be making an appearance tomorrow evening if I can't find of something else to make. And we had breakfast for dinner (pancakes!) two nights ago. It was yummy. Have you tried a thin spreading of smooth peanut butter on your pancakes (with syrup)? It is something Devin's family introduced me to and it is divine. Makes the meal more filling too.
