Monday, July 1, 2013

Being the New Kid On the Block

Why did I start blogging?! I've had to ask myself this question quite a bit lately. Being the new kid on the blogger block is tough, a lot tougher than I thought. It's still fun and I really have high hopes for my little sliver of the webisphere, but I do have those moments where I consider throwing in the towel. I know, I know, it takes time to build up readership and get into a routine and so on and hence forth. I guess this is the stage in blog acne treatment where things have to get worse before they get better?

It's hard not to get discouraged when I get only a handful of pageviews for a new post. In my head all I can think is that I took the time out of my busy day to write the post and it would be nice to know that someone out there took a wee bit o time to glance at it, and maybe say "hey" in the comment section. I've joined a couple of blogging network organizations so I'm hoping that those will help get me connected with seasoned bloggers that I can learn from.

I don't want to sound complain-y. It's Monday, it's super hot and a little muggy (something we don't get much of here in the desert) and my coffee hasn't found its way to my brain yet.

Not one to be defeated, I thought it might be cathartic helpful to jot down the reasons why I started blogging in an effort to remind myself of the ultimate goal:

Connecting: If you're a mom you know that it can be hard to keep up a social life when you've got nap schedules and housechores to work around. Blogging can be a great way to meet new friends without having to leave the house and you can keep in touch with people at times that are convenient to your lifestyle. Thank you 21st century for you contributions to social networking!

Purpose: I'm one of those people that really benefit from having something to do that makes me feel like I have a "job" to do. Not that I think of blogging as work per say (although sometimes it feels like that when I spend lots of time networking and searching blogging tips), it just feels nice to have something to look forward to doing every day. Okay maybe not every day. Just the days I feel like it.

Creativity: DIY projects, recipes and whatever else I can find to be creatie are all things I'm wanting to incorporate into the blog. Being creative is important to me, but sometimes it's hard to stay motivated and feel like there's a goal for the project. Having the blog might help keep things on course and stretch me to try new things, just so I have something to talk about here.

Brain Challenge: Blogging can be lucrative, but that's only if you know what you're doing. Just like anything else it's a skill that I have to learn. I like the challenge of breaking into the blogisphere. Even if it drives me crazy and makes me write pity party posts like this one.

Okay, okay I won't give up. Yet. If you're a blogger, what are some of the reasons that you started blogging?


  1. well for what it's worth, i love reading your posts and always look forward to hearing about your life. :) Keep em coming!

  2. Hi there! Found you on SITS. :) I started blogging to get myself in the habit of writing everyday. Then I quickly learned blogging everyday was difficult with one child and impossible now that I have 3. However, I still absolutely love it. It took me awhile but I found my voice. I've also gotten to meet new people, attend events, receive free product and earn some money. It's all been a positive experience.

    1. thanks for commenting melissa! it's nice to know there are others out there that can relate to what it's like to be the blogger newbie ;) i had fun checking out your blog- btw i am just a tad jealous that you live in PHX (yes, even with the crazy heat); there's so much fun stuff to do out there!

  3. I have a blog that I've neglected - again - but it's a lot of fun while it lasts and I think you should keep it up. I like your insights and your perspective.

    See you soon,

    1. hi marcie!
      thank you! i like blogging, even if it takes time to get into a good routine. i like your blog too, i hope you find some time to get back to it :)
