I Know I'm a Mom When...
6:30 in the am is considered sleeping in.
I have to repair a board book with packing tape.

I shamelessly pick my son's nose and consider it a small victory when I retrieve something in there.
When I turn down the volume on the TV and look for a place to hide because I hear that Toby is awake after only a 45 minute nap.
When Toby only eats half of his meal, and I devour the other half like a starving rat.
When I start analyzing the lyrics to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". Yes, I really did that.
"The Bachelorette" is no longer a guilty pleasure, but a date night at home for Derek and I. I can't wait to hear what Ashely has to say about last nights episode. So much good trashy drama.
When brushing my teeth is considered a luxury. I do apologize to anyone who has encountered me on an off day.
When I send Derek to customer service or handle any other interaction with strangers because I know that being a stay-at-home-mom has only enhanced my social awkwardness.
There's more but of course I am being reminded of my momness right now. Toby is crabby and no amount of bribing with a snack or pulling out every toy in our arsenal will appease him.
Please don't misunderstand me, I love being a mom. There are just some moments that remind me how different my life is compared to what it was like B.T. (Before Toby) and like I said most of the time I found it amusing.
Okay mommas. What are some of your mommy moments? Leave a comment and who knows, this might become a regular thing.
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