I know that drinking lots of water is important for oodles of reasons but sometimes water and its lack of taste gets kinda boring. My mom introduced me to these nifty little flavor packets a while back and I recently tried their new flavor. Makes drinking water a little more interesting. Besides the flavor the other awesome thing about them is that they are sweetened with Stevia, not artificial sweeteners.
We watched Dr.Quinn faithfully every Sunday night when I was a kid and it was one of my favorite shows. My mom and sister recently discovered that there are reruns every afternoon and ever since my afternoon productivity level has plummeted. Any other D.Q. fans out there?
Being a curly haired girl living in the dessert I'm always up to try a new conditioner in hopes that my hair will slurp up some moisture and maybe possibly act a little less crazy. Well, my hair isn't acting any less crazy but this stuff definitely is helping to give it a little moisture love. Can't argue with the price either.
When I feel the need to inappropriately reward myself for making it through the seven minute workout this has been my go-to. It's got almonds in it, so I don't feel so terrible about slathering it on anything that enters my mouth. It's particularly tasty on bagels but you didn't hear that from me.
I whipped up this "sensorial" activity for Toby yesterday in an effort to entertain/educate him. I didn't think he'd be all that interested but the dude played for almost 45 minutes! I'll be blogging about my awesome idea tomorrow.
So there you have it, my Five Faves.
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