Monday, October 28, 2013


I wasn't really sure what to name this post so my inner hipster made an appearance. I'm so sorry for that.

In an effort not to be that blogger that makes silly apologies for an absence in posting, I'll just say I've missed this little ole blog and am happy to be back. I don't know what I got busy with exactly that's kept me from posting, but here I be.

Not much to report from Carlson Clan. Derek just finished production on a short film that he and a friend cowrote. I'm really proud of him for taking the leap to get out there and create something, but the selfish SAHM (stay at home mom) in me is kinda glad that it's wrapped and he can be home a little more. Try as I might I'm no superhero and going solo parenting style gets kinda rough when it's multiple nights and weekends. But I'm excited to see the end result! For all of you with a curious streak, here's a link to the Facebook page for the project, check it out and show him some "like" love.

Continuing on the filming note, this past weekend I got to help Derek shoot a wedding in Scottsdale and it was so much fun! It was a reeeeeallly long day with lots of running around and feeling like I was all up in peoples space but it was great to be able to work with Derek. We're shooting another wedding together this weekend, but I told him not to add me as his newest assistant until he's reviewed all the footage. I'm hoping it turned out alright, only time will tell...

What else.... my lifelong quest to end the madness of endless laundry continues... wanting all things pumpkin... yup, that's about it.

Well Toby is crying from his not long enough nap, so I'll leave you all with a few snippets of life around these parts. Yes, these are all pics from my instagram and I realize that you are all intelligent enough to notice the instafeed on the side there, but whatevs. You're nice enough to humor me, right?

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