How did we get to this, you ask? You needn't ask, I was going to tell you anyways because I have overshareitus.
I had it in my head when I got my day going that I wanted to finally take the time to snap a few picks of some things I found as a very belated follow-up to my Spring Fashion Scavenger Hunt. I took a shower this morning while Toby was taking his first nap, so I planned on using the time during his second nap to take the pictures. There was my first mistake, I made a "plan". That word just has no business being in my vocabulary as a mom. *Sigh* One day I'll learn.
Anyways, though I did manage to straighten my hair at what I thought would be the beginning of Toby's second nap (I had washed it this morning; maybe one day I'll hit my head and think it a good idea to share with you all what my natural hair looks like. Don't hold your breath though), and was all set to set up the camera and have a little fashion photog sesh. I don't know what I did to anger the nap gods but whatever it was I must have pissed them off; Toby woke up after only a 45minute slumber and he was none too pleased. Okay, time to tap into that Hippy Momma brain and find some clever activities to occupy him.
I ran up to my mom's house and pilfered her craft supplies (thanks mom) and returned home with yet another plan. Seriously, what is wrong with me? The idea was that I would put to use some of those brilliant idea I've found on Pinterest to keep Toby entertained, and maybe just maybe it would give me enough to time snap pictures of like three outfits. *Face in palm*
A little Medusa-esque but hey, it's for a 1 year old.
Toby had practically no interest in this one at all. I don't blame him. As I was putting it together I kept thinking, "what is the point of this?". On to the next genius idea.
Okay, so I can't blame Pinterest for this one. I brought it on myself. I thought maybe Toby would like playing with some balloons and he could practice putting them "in the basket". Clearly it was big hit...
I'm not amused.
Finally I enlisted the help of my beloved TV sitter.
Oh yes, this is so much more interesting.
By the time I looked at the clock I realized I wouldn't have time to take the pictures so I decided I'd settle for being able to do the dishes. Yeah...
The wee one made his way over and deemed the dishwasher filled with dirty dishes to be an appropriate place to perch. I was okay with it until he started pulling out the dirty items and tried to clean them himself.
I opened the cabinet to the pots and pans, but who am I kidding that's such a weak substitute for dirty dishes. Aaaand that's how we got here.
Meltdown on aisle four.
Nothing a bottle couldn't fix.
So here am I frantically typing; Derek just called to tell me that I should leave now to meet him for a rendezvous we had discussed earlier. *Sigh again*. Tomorrow is another day...
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