Thursday, March 6, 2014

3 Years

Yesterday Derek and I celebrated our third anniversary. Crazy how fast time flies. We celebrated by getting gussied up and went out to dinner at one of our new favorite restaurants- Tucson people, if you haven't done so, please go check out Poppy Kitchen and be sure to try the house fries with malt vinegar aioli. Cray cray delish.

We were going to try to catch a movie but a certain someone ordered a very girly cocktail whose ingredients may or may not have included two different types of fruit-infused vodka *insert sheepish smile* and thus it was deemed necessary by the other (more responsible) someone that we needed stay a bit longer until the aforementioned someone could walk in a straight line. So instead of going to see a movie we drove to a great spot for viewing the city lights and just hung out. It was grand indeed.

So, uh, I have a super embarrassing confession: I can never remember our anniversary. The cliche is supposed to be that the guy always forgets the romantic dates, but being the odd ball that I am I'm the one in our relationship that fails to realize when Valentine's Day is around the corner, and our anniversary always sneaks up on me. Also I always get the date of our anniversary wrong; my mom was reminding me last week that our anniversary was coming up (she and I are so close, we think for each other a lot of the time- thanks mom); I said "oh yeah, the third is on Monday". She looked at me funny and corrected me that the special day is in fact on March 5th. *Sigh* one day I'll get it right.

Anyways, in honor of our anniversary I thought I'd use Throwback Thursday as an excuse to take a trip down memory lane.

If you're interested as to how Dariak (yes, that's our celebrity mashup name. And yes, I made it up just now) came to be, you can check out the story part uno and part dos.

Popping the question.

The honeymooners.

Post- first six months of parenting.

Road trippin'.

Happy 3rd Anniversary, baby. These past three years have been a whirlwind, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I'm so glad you're the one I get to go on this journey with. Thank you for being a Godly leader of our family, and thank you everything you do for us. Thank you for putting up with me and my shenanigans. You are an amazing husband and I'm blessed to be your wife. I love you!

1 comment :

  1. Awww...Mazel Tov, you two! Great post!
    I so remember the day Dariak became official. It was such a great day...I believe there'll be many more to come.
