Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Little One's Poem

                       A kind friend gave us this beautiful rose bush, as a way to remember Zuri. 

Over the weekend I had some time to myself. The desire to hold my baby girl is overwhelming, I miss her so much. I took out an envelope that the hospital sent home with us. They took some pictures of Zuri, but at the time I didn't want to see them. The nurses were very sweet and made sure that we had those documented pictures, for whenever we were ready to see them. During my alone time, I felt ready; I took out the pictures and wept. Her tiny hands and toes were captured so sweetly, and even though I still long to touch those tiny toes, it was helpful to at least see them again. They also included a couple of poems. This one touched me deeply, and I wanted to share it for any other mommas out there going through something similar:

Oh Mother, My Mother...

Oh my, my mother
I touch your tears
invisible fingers 
soothing your skin
I know you think of me so often
in the day, in the night
in your dreams
going into an empty nursery
knowing I'll never be there
but I am... in your heart
in your soul, I shall always be
for you gave so unselfishly of yourself.
Inside of you, you created
such a world for me
a world of laughter, of love
of sadness, of sorrow
every emotion people come to know
you shared with me.
And even though I may never 
feel your arms around me
I felt your heart beating,
like a lullaby, singing me to sleep
and your spirit giving me a safe haven
already protecting me
nurturing me
preparing me of things to come.
But sometimes the journey 
of life pulls souls apart
and yes, I had to go on 
to another place.
I wish I could stay
I wish this was a decision 
I could make
and I know you do too.
Know this wherever you are:
I will always remember 
that yours was the first love,
the first joy, the first soul
I will ever know
you gave me the courage to 
go on in my journey
I hope I can do the same
for you
Your heartbeat will always
call me to you.

Love, your child.

1 comment :

  1. Oh Aria. That's so beautiful. What a rich gift. Love you.
