Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ten on Ten

Linking up with Rebekah for this month's Ten on Ten.

1. Settling into the morning.

2. A little project I worked on for a friend.

3. Kickin' it.

4. Getting ready to go out.

5. Open skies.

6. Unintentional art by my toddler.

7. Intentional art by my toddler.

8. Another day coming to a close.

9. The dudes.

One day I'll get ALL ten, on ten.


  1. Close is good, especially in a game of Horseshoes and Bocce Ball!

    1. you know my motto- no one can fault you for trying!

  2. That painting by your toddler is impressive!

    1. thanks! it was easy to contain, too; i just squirted some paint into a big ziplock bag and taped it to the table :)

  3. oh dear, hope that was in crayola or something equally washable! anyway, it's super hard to get all ten photos, hey? i certainly can NOT remember to do them hourly, so they just get snapped when and where I remember. Thanks for the lovely words on my post, btw.

    1. haha, actually... it was a sharpie. yep, permanent marker, my arch nemesis. however, a quick search via pinterest and i found that rubbing alcohol did the trick.

      so glad we've connected thru ten on ten!
