Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What Can I Say?

Dudes, I don't know if it's the hotter-than-the-hinges-of-hell heat here in the great AZ, or the 5 a.m. greetings Toby has been offering for weeks- but I've got a bad case of blogger writers block. Like every day this week I've sat down to write but I have no idea what to talk about. I could overshare talk about the happenings of the day, but I love you all too much to throw that kind of boredom at you. I have some fun DIY projects I've been working on but you want to know something? Putting together a project post with a two year old around is like trying to take a picture of a beautiful sunset while rabid squirrels swarm around your feet. Not that I'd know, just speculating.

One of my constant struggles is being an insecure blogger. Ultimately I'd love to see this blog be a successful source of project inspiration or encouragement or just a good 'ol place to waste a little time. I'd also love for it to be a way for me to make a little money. But breaking into the blog scene is tough, and with so many blogs out there sometimes it's hard to not feel like they're better blogs and sheesh why do I even bother? But if I've learned anything this year it's that you have to keep going even when you don't feel like it, and that it's okay to ask for help along the way.

So! With all that unloaded, I'm opening up the floor for suggestions. Post ideas? Topics to try writing about? Things you want to see more of? Seriously guys, take advantage of this situation because you're catching me in a moment of creative writing desperation.

Leave your comments below or shoot me an email. Bring on the ideas!


  1. Here are my ideas:
    --top ten lists
    --the continuing adventures of Toby!
    --encouraging (in a witty way) blogs for the sleep deprived mommas like yourself!
    --very cool and awesome recipes--writing about
    food NEVER gets old!
    --blog more a bout your marriage--yikes! :=0
    --blog about friendships

    Well, that's enough for now!

    1. these are great ideas! thanks momma, you're always a great source of support for this little blog :)

  2. Replies
    1. haha i do have a really cute model-child available!
